Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Quick Review of Hypogonadism

OK, I'll admit.  It was fun speaking w/Mr. Przybys of the Las Vegas Review Journal for his article, A Boost in Testosterone, published in print yesterday (but available online 2 days ago).  Drs. Mark Leo & Michael Petruso were also quoted in the article, too, which came out of a press release for a branded testosterone pellet.

While Merrill Osmond (yes, that Merrill Osmond) doesn't mind the procedure to implant the pellets inside your butt cheek, do know that the the "needle" used is substantially larger than one used to draw blood.  More importantly, known complications include infection & extrusion (loss) of pellets.  And don't forget that once they're in, you can't really adjust the dose by putting in some more pellets, at least not until next time.

Back to Drs. Leo, Petruso & myself: I hope that we were pretty clear that the diagnosis of hypogonadism isn't as clear cut as the ads seem to make it out to be.  And don't forget the potential side effects.  That's why we don't go looking for it in less than obvious situations.  But of course, if you story is strongly associated w/andropause, chances are that the benefits exceed the risk and that you'll respond quite nicely.  And know that you've got plenty of options for replacement.

So if you're curious, come see one of us.  We're here to improve the health of our patients, be they fellow Las Vegans or from elsewhere.

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