Well, 11 years have passed since that fateful publication. I'd like to think that we're wiser these days in discerning the difference between observational studies & RCTs but I'm afraid the lay press only works w/attention grabbing sound bites. Be that as it may, the Endocrine Society, the North American Menopause Society, and several other international academic groups came together recently to hash out a Global Consensus Statement on menopausal hormone therapy published in the April issue of Maturitas.
1) MHT is useful against vasomotor symptoms w/benefits outweighing risks for those <60yo or <10yrs post-menopause;
2) MHT is useful in preventing osteoporosis-related fractures in those <60yo or <10yrs post-menopause;
3) RCTs, observational studies & meta-analyses suggest that standard dose estrogen-only may decrease heart disease & death from any cause in those <60yo or <10yrs post-menopause;
4) Localized estrogen is recommended if symptoms are just vaginal dryness and/or dyspareunia.
More statements to come tomorrow but notice that the 1st three are focused on those women <60yo or <10yrs post-menopause;
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