In case you haven't noticed, for the past 5 months or so, I've been experimenting w/tweets which are 140 character messages and Facebook, while continuing to address the online community via a virtual practice at Not the easiest thing to compress complicated studies down so dramatically w/o changing the gist of the authors' intended conclusion. With that said, tweeting does allow me to point out more articles in a similar period of time compared to devoting all the effort to just one study. Six of one, half a dozen of the other, right? Or is it quantity vs quality? You decide . . .
Anyway, I thought that this would be a good time for me to point out that my employer, the University of Nevada School of Medicine (UNSOM), is opening an office in Henderson, NV which will house surgery, obstetrics & gynecology, pediatrics AND family medicine, sports medicine plus geriatrics (that's me, in case you didn't know).
I'm currently slated to be there every Tuesday morning. And where is there, you ask? 3175 St. Rose Parkway, 2nd Floor, Henderson, NV 89052. Call (702) 676-3620 for an appointment at this facility or fax (702) 676-3621.
Don't worry, I'll still see patients at 2410 Fire Mesa St, Ste 180, Las Vegas, NV 89128 every Wednesday morning. Continue to call (702) 992-6888 for an appointment at this facility or fax (702) 992-6878.
And in case you're wondering what your tax dollars are going towards the other 4 days of the week, that's when I make house calls and see those who can't get to one of the above offices. Thank goodness for Google Maps for planning & documentation for tax purposes and Apple Maps for turn-by-turn navigation. Why both? Because the calendar feature on an iPhone automatically defaults to Apple Maps (of course!). In reality, if I've been to your house at least once or twice before, I've most likely laid down a mental bread crumb of how to get there, not unlike a rat in a maze. God help me if I ever get lost finding you again . . .
One last thought for today: I offer my heartfelt appreciation and gratitude for all those in our military, including their families, who have served to protect us from those who would do us harm, allowing my family & me to sleep soundly. Freedom is not free. Thank you for your sacrifice. May we never forget.
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