On a more personal level, I was recruited out of academia a decade ago to assist a private practice in growing but more importantly in giving it the research gravitas to support its attempt to corner the market on hormone deficiencies and even suboptimal hormonal levels. And so I tried to get my hands on as much peer-reviewed research as possible. Unfortunately, most of it was observational in nature, albeit over half a dozen observational studies all conclude that low testosterone is associated w/higher mortality no matter which population was studied, whether American (3 different cohorts), Italian, British or Scandanavian. Granted, there were randomized controlled trials demonstrating benefit from testosterone replacement/supplementation, but it was rarely w/o risk, and there were a few w/o any benefit at all.
Instead, let's look for other reasons that might explain the vague symptoms that overlap with so many other issues & conditions. Stress to the relationship, family, friends, money, job security, etc. What about poor lifestyle choices such as smoking and/or drinking to excess? Any health conditions or diseases that predispose someone to loss of energy, obesity, decrease in libido, depression? Anemia? Diabetes? Hypothyroidism? How about (new) medications? In other words, don't attempt to jump on the low T bandwagon w/o a thorough evaluation by your family doc. And if you do decide to go for a test drive, so to speak, remember that testosterone replacement/supplementation/optimization is not a do-it-yourself project.
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