Several studies have pointed out that
multivitamins don't reduce your risk for heart disease. However,
at least one did suggest the possibility of lowering your risk for cancer. So is this a true finding or just a fluke? In a
prospective study published in this month's issue of Breast Cancer Research & Treatment, the authors concluded that
compared to nonusers, those post-menopausal women who regularly consumed multivitamins & minerals (MVM) prior to their breast cancer diagnosis had lower mortality.
The authors analyzed an average 7 years of data from 7,728 post-menopausal female participants 50-79yo in the Women's Health Initiative study. Somewhere between 1 out of 3 and 2 out of 5 women regularly took a MVM, which the authors linked to a 30% lower risk of breast cancer mortality. In other words, if you regularly take your MVM, while you won't lower your risk of developing breast cancer, at least you decrease your risk of dying from this condition.
Now before you go out and buy an MVM, realize that this is but a small short study that must be replicated before entering common daily use. But if you're interested . . .
Multivitamins & Prevention Part 3 Heart Disease
Multivitamins & Prevention Part 2 Cancer
Multivitamins & Prevention Part 1 Heart Disease

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