Monday, November 12, 2012

Don't Just Sit There, Do Something! Part 14 Depression

Chicken or egg.  Which came first?  Likewise, exercise vs depression.  Which comes first?  Does lack of, or insufficient, exercise lead to depression?  Or does depression lead to less exercise as a result of anhedonia, less energy, and greater fatigue?

In a prospective epidemiologic study published last month in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, the authors concluded that cardiorespiratory fitness, as a measure of persistent regular exercise, actually protects against depression as we age. In an attempt to solve this conundrum, the authors followed a community dwelling cohort of men & women interested in their own health and who had volunteered to be studied at the Cooper Clinic's Aerobics Center Longitudinal Study.  

The 10,290 participants ranged from 20-85yo (average 49yo at baseline) and were free of depression at the start of the study which lasted close to 4yrs on average.  Cardiorespiratory fitness was measured serially by treadmill, specifically symptom limited time using a modified Balke protocol.

Interestingly, these participants were not necessarily representative of the US population in that the average body mass index for the women was just over 22kg/m2, or well into the normal range (less than 25kg/m2), rather than the overweight (BMI 25-30kg/m2) or obese (greater than 30kg/m2) category in which two thirds of Americans find themselves these days.  As expected though, the men were actually overweight w/average BMI 25+.

So just how much exercise does one have to do?  Current recommendations are to achieve 30 minutes per day, most days of the week, of moderate intensity exercise.  This study suggests that we should use a different metric (cardiorespiratory fitness) to more objectively measure exercise intensity.  In fact, the authors noted that a decline in metabolic equivalents achieved on the treadmill was associated with anywhere from 2-9.5% greater odds of initial depression.  Bottom line, put some effort into your regular exercise; don't dilly-dally around.

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