Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Milk: Does it deserve a bad rap?

Lately, milk has gotten a bad rap, at least amongst the complementary & alternative medicine arena.  There's talk of milk allergies, increased mucus production, and just basically how unnatural it is that humans, at least in the Western world, are the only mammalian form that continues to consume milk even after being weaned. 

Well, proof is in the pudding (pun intended).  In a meta-analysis of 17 prospective cohort studies involving 611,430 participants avg 56 years old, there was no association between milk consumption and all-cause mortality (the gold standard outcome).  There was even a hint of benefit regarding heart disease but this was not statistically significant. 

So if you drink milk regularly, go enjoy it and stop worrying.  And for those of you who avoid milk because you've noted some adverse outcome every time you consume dairy products, there's no evidence that you're missing out on some potential benefit.

And no, the National Dairy Council and Milk Advisory Board didn't pay me to write this.

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