Sunday, March 18, 2018

AAFP Geriatric Medicine July 18th-21st, 2018 in Charleston, SC

Featuring the latest evidence-based, in-depth information on family medicine topics, AAFP live courses make it convenient to learn and refresh your knowledge. Connect with your colleagues and experts, and improve patient care—all in just a few days.

More than 10,000 baby boomers turn 65 every day. As this generation ages,
the geriatric patient population will surge, and the need for care will continue
to rise. Gain clinical knowledge related to geriatric medicine you can directly apply to your practice.

At the end of this course, you will be able to:

·         Improve adherence to evidence-based clinical guidelines in practice.
·         Construct evidence-based strategies to diagnose, treat and manage common
·clinical conditions seen among the geriatric population.
·         Demonstrate ability to communicate effectively with the patient to ensure
·that diagnosis and treatment recommendations are understood.
·         Recognize when to refer to, or consult with, other specialists to provide
optimal patient care.

Earn up to 25.5 AAFP Prescribed credits—19.5 credits for attending the course and another 6 for participating in optional workshops (additional fees apply).
AAFP members: $895/Nonmembers: $1,195

Save $100 when you register by June 18.  Register now or call (800) 274-2237.

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