Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Menopausal Hormone Therapy is the New HRT Part 3

This past Monday, we looked at the first of 4 global consensus statements regarding menopausal hormone therapy.  Yesterday, we reviewed at the second of 4 statements.  Today, we're covering the final 4:

9) MHT dose & duration needs to be individualized (no more 0.625mg daily for ever & ever for every woman);
10) MHT is recommended in premature ovarian insufficiency until average age of natural menopause;
11) custom-compounded bio-identical hormone therapy is not recommended;
12) MHT is not recommended in breast cancer survivors as interpreted by current safety data.

Of these recommendations, I reckon that 11) will get the most press by the anti-aging folks.  Why?  This statement theoretically shifts the market for some percentage of compounding pharmacy business over to Big Pharma (conspiracy theory, anyone?).  Clearly, every barrel has its bad apples and one shouldn't generalize based upon a single incident, no matter how bad.  But why take that risk when "bio-identical" estradiol is available in a transdermal form manufactured by Big Pharma (which isn't to say that they have never sinned).

And in case you're wondering, no, neither I nor my family receive any remuneration from Big Pharma.  I am only a lowly state employee supplemented by a teeny, tiny cash-only, direct pay, private practice.

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