Monday, November 29, 2010

FDA Approves Underarm Application of Testosterone

The FDA just announced their approval of Axiron, a 2% topical solution of testosterone that is applied via metered dose pump at 30mg per actuation.  The plan is to apply 1 squirt to each armpit daily (more if necessary), wash hands & get dressed.  Yes, you still need to avoid skin-to-skin contact with your kids & partner.  You should also avoid bathing & swimming for at least 2 hours after application although, hopefully, you already completed the former prior to squirting yourself.  Whether you choose to apply deodorant or antiperspirant is up to you (and your close contacts!) as neither will affect absorption but they recommend applying either one before the testosterone.  And no, you don't have to shave (your pits).  But you might have to wait a while for it to actually hit the market.

In any case, you now have a wide choice of FDA-approved oral & buccal tablets, subcutaneous pellets, transdermal patches, injections, manually applied topical gels/creams, and now, metered dosing to the axilla.  Of these, the only ones I avoid are the oral tablets (due to increase risk of liver irritation) and subcutaneous pellets (difficult to obtain/maintain proper level & requires minor procedure for placement), but that's just me.

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